Is A Regulatory War Brewing In Washington?
October 29, 2022 Is A Regulatory War Brewing In Washington? One country hosts the largest carbon credits auction while another one calls to regulate the market. One country finds it just to place a carbon tax on cow's emissions. And a large British bank decides to stop backing up fossil fuel projects. It’s a busy week in the global carbon market, so let’s jump in. The Senators' Plea U.S. Lawmakers are drawing regulatory attention to the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). Several leading lawmakers, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, have asked the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to regulate some of the registry and verification programs used in the VCM. In theory, this will allow the CFTC to ensure a higher all-around quality of offsets. Whether that theory becomes reality remains to be seen. The Largest Carbon Credits Auction Ever Who would have thought that the biggest oil exporter region in the world will also hold the largest carbon credits auction ever? Saudi Arabi...