Green Earth community discuss how to solve environmental problems using blockchain technology

October 31, 2022

Green Earth Community (Green Earth Community: GEC)

Green Earth Community (Green Earth Community: GEC) announced on the 31st that it attended the ‘Blockchain ESG’ of ‘Blockchain Week in Busan (referred to as BWB) 2022’ held at BEXCO, Busan to give a lecture.

Professor Won-Woo Park of Seoul National University

In the lecture session, keynote speeches about the application of token economy business and the major benefits of environmental problem solving blockchain and distributed blockchain technology were given by Kwon Byeong-hyun, CEO of Future Forest and the Ambassador for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Jong Seob Lee (Professor of Seoul National University), Byungjoon Yoo (Professor of Seoul National University), and Hyukjoon Kwon (Professor of Suncheon-hyang University). 

Next, Professor Won-Woo Park of Seoul National University became a chair to exchange research directions and experiences with each other through presentations.

Kwon Byeong-hyun, CEO of Future Forest

Kwon Byeong-hyun, CEO of Future Forest, opened up with the topic ‘Talk the Walk.’ CEO Kwon said, “The ecological footprint of humanity has surpassed the level that the earth can handle,” and “the most serious phenomenon is global warming and desertification.” 

He pointed out that “awareness regarding global warming is being raised, but desertification has not yet attracted attention compared to its severity.” On this day, Mr. Kwon declared, “Together with the Global Civil Society Organization for the Prevention of Desertification (CSO) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), we are leading the way in global land degradation neutrality (LDN),” and “Future Forest will keep its promise to cultivate the earth and pass on a better future to the next generation.”

Professor Jong Seob Lee of Seoul National University

Following this, Jong Seob Lee, a professor at Seoul National University Business School, gave a lecture focusing on three keywords: 'blockchain', 'tokenomics', and 'social impact'. Professor Lee said, “The digital economy platform is transforming into Web 3.0 and a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) executed by a distributed network system protocol. Web 3.0 and DAO services provide token incentives for various users to participate in a decentralized platform through distributed blockchain technology. This incentive mechanism is called 'tokenomics', and it can have a social impact through decentralized blockchains and well-designed tokenomics.”

Professor Lee said, “Blockchain can reliably track donation records and transparently track key performance indicators (KPIs) for individual and corporate ESG activities,” and added that “Tokenomics allows token holders to present carbon offsets and donate profits to various NGOs.”

Professor Byungjoon Yoo of Seoul National University

Next, Byungjoon Yoo, a professor at Seoul National University Business School, continued the lecture on the topic of 'Blockchain, Transparency, and Environmental Systems Management'. Professor Yoo said, “One of the most important and urgent issues in the world is dealing with environmental pollution,” and suggested that “through blockchain technology that provides transparent transaction information, it is possible to solve environmental problems and financial problems associated with resource allocation.”

He introduced examples such as the decentralized carbon market infrastructure project Toucan Protocol, the Gain Forest cryptocurrency that uses NFT to protect rainforests, and corporate fundraising activities of NFT platform company Metagood and stated, “Blockchain technology can be a safe information platform that can solve both environmental and financial issues while securing appropriate resources.”

Professor Hyukjoon Kwon of Suncheon-hyang University

Lastly, Hyukjoon Kwon, a professor at Suncheon-hyang University Global Business School, gave a lecture on the topic of 'Application of Token Economy in Business'. According to Professor Kwon, blockchain has developed into two categories: industrial application of distributed ledger technologies and token economy. Professor Kwon explains that various proofs can be obtained using blockchain through the application of distributed ledger technology, and many innovations have occurred in various fields such as local currency, insurance, medical data, and security token through stablecoins.

He said “Despite many regulations, many people are enthusiastic about future finance with blockchain,” and added that “The trust and value of public blockchain cannot be blocked by regulations and laws, and we must prepare for future finance.” Professor Kwon mentioned industries with certain characteristics that blockchain can be applied to, and explained how to apply the token economy and effective token management.

source : 

그린 어스 커뮤니티, 블록체인 기술 활용한 환경 문제 해결 방안 논의 [Reporter Lee Yoon-jeong, EDAILY] 


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