From Garbage to Gold
March 18, 2023 From Garbage to Gold A Miami-based climate tech company develops a method to create carbon credits from reducing food waste while the world’s largest carbon credit developer produces credits from railways. A Canadian biochar producer secures $38 million to expand its production and the EU plans for Net Zero. Let’s jump right in! Don't be Wasteful with Waste The global food system emits about a third of total annual GHG emissions, and food waste represents about half of this footprint. A study found that global food waste emitted 9.3 billion tonnes of CO2e (GtCO2e) or about the same as the total emissions of the US and the EU in 2017. To help address this concern, a climate tech firm CoreZero decided to rescue food waste and quantify the prevention of 221,800 tons of carbon emissions. The company then converted these reductions into the world's first carbon credits from waste. With this approach, CoreZero aims to transform the 1.3 billion tons of food wa...