Google Maps Is On The Road Again

September 24, 2022 Google Maps Is On The Road Again Carbon-friendly road trips are now possible in Europe. A major CRM develops a user-focused carbon credit marketplace. And Germany finds out the results of an accidental public transport emissions test. There’s a lot to cover in the world of carbon credits, so off we go. Greening Your Pension - Whether You Like It Or Not The UK just passed a suite of rigorous new accounting rules for pension schemes. The new rules affect primarily the largest schemes. Meeting the new standards won’t necessarily be a major challenge - but complying with the extra level of regulation might be. One goal is to require all eligible schemes to comply with the Paris accords - and to detail exactly how they plan to meet those standards. That’s a level of detail most governments haven’t met! Google Takes The Green Route To Europe Google Maps allows US users to choose the most fuel-efficient route to meet their destination. ...